Weekly Classes
6:30-7:00 pm
7:00-8:00 pm
6:30-7:30 pm
7:30-8:30 pm
6:30-7:30 pm
Bellydance Drills & Combos lvl 2
Bellydance Advanced Choreography & Props lvl 2
6:30-7:30 pm
7:30-8:30 pm
8:30-9:30 pm
No Classes Scheduled
2nd Saturdays
February 12th
Group Improv Bellydance Tune Up
Troupe Rehearsals @Mambo Room Ghent
Class Descriptions
Bellydance lvl 1
Beginner Bellydance with more fun! Nadira is an expert teacher with over a decade of experience teaching various forms of bellydance. This basic level class will get you dancing in the first 10 minutes and build both your stamina and your dance vocabulary. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in and bring water. Get moving with fun rhythms and movement.
Bellydance drills & combinations lvl 2
Keep in clean! This class will focus on cleaning up our movements and technique from the ground up! Sometimes we are so accustomed to doing a move that we go on autopilot and go through the motions without really giving thought to what we are doing. This class is designed for beginners and those wanting to practice/refine what they have already learned. Each class will focus on cleaning up our movements from the feet up and making sure that we feel what is going on in our body coupled with intention and a clear purpose. All movements will be broken down and built back up, then added to a short combination that you can add to your movement vocabulary.
Adult Ballet lvl 1
A multi level ballet class that will explore positions and movement of the feet, body and arms. We will explore movement in space. We will work at the barre", center floor and across the room. This class is progressive with new skills introduced that build on ones mastered.
Salsa lvl 1
In Salsa classes with you will learn the basic steps to build the foundation
Turn patterns and partner work
Turns and Spinning
Shines and Open footwork
Personal styling and more!
Kizomba is a beautiful partner dance originating from the southern African country of Angola. It is danced to polyrhythmic music ranging from romantic to “edgy” and Kizomba literally means “party” in Kimbundu, one of the Angolan national languages.
Kizomba is a relatively new dance that evolved from Angolan Semba and has become preferred by many throughout the world due to the level of connection required to dance as One with smooth, even steps and a light connection between partners. The music is often sung in Portuguese or Portuguese creole, grounded with African rhythms.
Kizomba rapidly spread throughout Europe in the late 90’s and is now proliferating in the US! The music is captivating and addictive, the dance is VERY addictive. Give it a try and we know you will be hooked!